Monday 14 April 2014

Sunday, May 1, 2011


In alignment to my instructions. but whatever. do what you want. you address me as master and then the next thing you do is deliberately lie to me? technically, it is not proper for you to start off a master slave relationship this way. lying to a master is worthy of some sort of discipline. but, i forgive you. like i said, read my website subkitten. it will help a silly girl like you understand how to obey a master appropriately. if that is what you wish. you claim that is what you wish. but you have now already lied to me and our relationship has technically not even started. how can i expect you to speak the truth to me under such circumstances addressed? slave girls are not to lie to their masters. and you said i was your master. or did you deliberately lie about that, too? if you did i forgive you for that, too. you don't have to call me, sweetie. but heres some advice. whenever a servant says he or she will do something for their master or mistress it is bad karma for a servant to not follow through on that. especially when the servant suggests it. you suggested it to me. then i went to a lot of trouble to make sure that my phone was working to honor your request to me. i follow your instructions in this relationship and you don't follow mine. and i'm the master in this relationship. or so you say. whats wrong with this picture?. you suggested the phone, sweetie. not me. i forgive you in this matter though, sweetie. you don't have to call me on the phone if you don't want to. . have a good day, subkitten.. signed-dayofthedove777 dayofthedove777 dayofthedove777 45M London, Ontario new message written less than a minute ago: ya know what? screw it. just read my website and twist the night away. for fuck sakes. i am tired of this bullshit. hELLO THERE. I HAVE DECIDED TO ADDRESS YOU IN A LETTER. IN CONNECTION TO C1Q65 OF THE QUATRAINS OF NOSTRADAMUS. AS BOTH OZZY AND NOSTRADAMUS PROPHESIED ABOUT ME. ON CERTAIN LEVELS OF LOGIC. THOUGH OZZY, AS A LESSER PROPHET PROHESIED OF ME UNKNOWINGLY ON HIS PART. IN CONNECTION TO THE FOLLOWING YOUTUBE VIDEOS. SUCH AS. AW YES... as ozzy unknowingly prophesied of me. in alignment to iron man. behold the following sacred words. upon the seventh millenial dawn, of the seventh millenial day, in alignment to psalm 90-4: 10, a twice blessed partially angelic man 'will roam the fields of gaea in this existence 'combatting all deceptions of spiritual callousness wrought to mankind in this life, in connection to c7q70 of the prophesies of nostradamus to mankind in this existence. shakinnotstirred : NOW, SPIRITUALLY, THOUGH YOU DO NOT KNOW IT, I have addressed you before on this site. YOU JUST FOOLISHLY IGNORED IT. LIKE FOOLISH SLAVE GIRLS DO. NOW, i will address you one more time. for 'i believe, i have been patient with this situation. yes. on this site i have decided to address you in a letter. one more time. in this fashion. REGARDING A FEW RATIONAL QUESTIONS I HAVE FOR YOU in this letter: Take note of the following, if you wish. It runs in this fashion. i have a few questions for you. THEY RUN AS FOLLOWS. NOTE THE FOLLOWING. for now. NOTE THIS. Is a terrestrial being able to take a physically visible picture of a voice? Is that a good question? Can a mortal do this, or is that a question for a deity? That is question number one. Question number two is as follows: can you weigh for me the weight of fire? Is that a good question? Is a human able to answer that question? Or is that 'too' a question for a deity? That is question number two. Finally, the third question in this list is as follows. Is a mortal able to call back the day that has past in this existence? Is that a question a mortal can answer in this life? did mortals `create gods or did gods create mortals. who should be more respected? and why? Would a master know the answers to these questions? Are these questions mysteries to mankind? Are they answerable? Is a deity a type of master to humans in this life? Would any mortal master or even mistress, you can find in this life know the answers to these questions? I do not think so. I know the answers to these questions. --- for i am the MASTER of masters in any existence. as nostradamus foresaw in c5q79 of his quatrains to humanity in this life. I know the answers to these questions.. Do you? your profile says you are looking for a master. Slave girls are always wise to listen to a master. How much more therefore, would a slave girl be wise to listen to me? For i am the MASTER of masters 'regarding true wisdom, regardless of an existence a being dwells in. although i wouldn't even be addressing you if it wasn't for the fact that a pack of callous deities made me one with a foolish nymphomaniac partial deity named salmacus in a previous existence. and, unfortunately, in this existence, she bids me to talk to beings on this site. this does not come from hermaphroditus. or rather, it does not come from me, technically speaking. it comes from salmacus. as c2q45 of the quatrains of nostradamus invoke. as a journal addressed upon a website called entitled commonsense anno domina confirms with facts. regarding this existence and how this existence coincides in many details with prior existences. foolish humans never apply their minds to the facts of such things , though,. in this case i speak of greek legends which relate to gods. if humans did apply their minds appropriately to such facts they would realize that the facts of many greek legends perfectly coincide with many functions of this life. molecularly psychologically as well as spiritually. in secular as well as theological tones. in facts. which all confirm that such legends are true. unknown to most humans in this life. clear and simple. yes. so, as said, above, and has already been explained upon my website so, a deity addressed as salmacus bids me to address humans on this site. yes,,this is one presently, in this life, due to the fact that 'presently' i am still consigned to her spiritually. in this existence. i am male in this life. meaning that jesus christ has altered the spell performed by demented jealous deities upon hermaphroditus, the child of hermes and venus, in a certain prior existence. yet, that does not mean that, physically , she is still not one with me on a certain level. though her essence is partially somewhere else in this existence. so that is why i address you. plain and simple. after this life is through i will return to my former ranking. as c4quatrains 28-29 of the quatrains of nostradamus invoke by the holy ghost in christianity. and i will no longer be a part of salmacus at all. yet for now, she is still a part of me. unfortunately. so that is why i write you. it is not me writing you, technically. though, for now, i am one with her.. it is her. her silly nature compels me to write beings on fetlife. such as you. but you have been very callous. i have addressed you for a while and been very respectful to you. yet you did not take heed to that truth. you give more respect to men on this site who blatantly tell you crude things. i speak respectfully to you and you don't give me the time of day. when you don't even know me. either. that is why i am going to make this letter my last one to you unless you respond appropriately to me on this matter. thats all she wrote on that matter addressed. time is of the essence now. either people appropriately read my website soon and begin showing respect for me, and my totally absolutely infinitely holy words or i will bring ghenghis khan to this planet real soon in the form of a liquid metal deity named mercury. as c10q72 of the quatrains of nostradamus warns mankind in this life. in connection to 2nd esdras 13: 1-37. as my website-entitled warns everyone on earth today in connection to 2nd peter 3: 5-17.. pure and simple. ALARMING VIDEO-!- anyways, do you know the answers to the above questions addressed? i highly doubt any of your so called masters you have corresponded with on this site know the answers to such questions. i know the answers to such questions 'though. as c5q79 of the quatrains of nostradamus invoke. for i am the --------true master--------- of all beings. including God andmy Father jesus christ. as c2q45 of the quatrains of nostradamus invoke. what is a pro creation. mankind , by 2nd esdras 13 will soon find out what a procreation is if humans on this earth today keep callously ignoring my righteous questions. like the foolish so called masters you correspond with on this site. idiots like that don't even come near my holiness when it comes to being a master of truth and righteousness. even christianity's saints do not come anywhere near my holiness when it comes to being a master of righteousness and truth. yet foolish women like you always give honor to false masters. you never honor true masters. how much more would you not honor me therefore. as luke 6: 26 warns. idiots. i am not expecting assholes to listen to my righteouys words any longer. but mankind is soon going to be sorry if they do not listen to me. on these issues i address here and in a website entitled if facts matter that statement is truth. that is for sure. what does a human dictionary state a fact is? exactly. truth. exactly. and all the facts of this `existence clearly verify that what i say here is truth. entirely. in every way. foolish inhabitants of earth today. none of my kind will ever ever be born on the earth. as c5q79 of the quatrains of nostradamus invoke. only one being could stop 2nd peter 3: 7 from taking place. me. if humans had simply followed my simple simple instructions. addressed in my website. yet humanity today couldn't even do that. simple instructions.. anyways, this is my last letter to you unless you respond respectfully to this letter. so? in regards to what is addressed above can you answer these questions i forward to you in this letter? what are the answers to such questions? and while your at it, measure for me a measure of wind. any wind. anywhere. can you. foolish slave? can you measure for me a measure of wind? All good questions have rational answers. some require a spiritual context in logic though. Call me if you wish on these questions. If you wish the answers to these questions, just ask. you have one week to respond. only a foolish being would refuse the being addressed in c3q94 of the prophesies of NOSTRADAMUS AS A MASTER IN THIS LIFE. LIKE YOU, PERHAPS. RIGHT. YOUR CHOICE. BUT MY HOPES AREN'T HIGH ON A FOOLISH GIRL LIKE YOU DOING THE RIGHT THING ON THAT ISSUE ADDRESSED. as, for the majority, the rest of earths inhabitants are presently, so, you are foolish. anyways, maybe you will do the right thing on this matter addressed. you never know. unless your dealing with an idiot, right? ooo look what humans did to mother earth today, so they wouldn't have a planet to live on, soon. is that idiotic? as my website entitled http://ouranus.blogspot explains and proves. yet that wouldn't have happened, or that wouldn't be the case , at this conjecture in time,m if mankind presently, in this time frame of this `existence' had simply followed my simple instructions on how to save earth. addressed in my website entitled humans today opted for infinite corrupt luxuries galore over such very simple instructions. which would have saved mother earth from destruction in this life presently. as the last part of a journal addressed upon my website entitled-jimmy joyfully proves. in simple words. with simple instructions. this journal along with every other journal located upon such a website may easily be found by simply going to the front page of such a website and then clicking on the blog archive located on the front page of such a site. then scrolling through the journals. clear and simple. so, to close this letter i will say this. YOU HAVE ONE WEEK TO RESPOND TO ME.. THEN YOUR BLOCKED. IF YOU DON'T FOOLISHLY BLOCK ME FIRST. HAVE A FABULOUS DAY NUTTTY NAUGHTY BEING. P.S-BLOCKING ME WON'T ALTER THE FACT THAT EVERYTHING I ADDRESS HERE IS THE TRUTH. JUST CHECK THE FACTS OF MY WEBSITE TO CLARIFY THAT TRUTH APPROPRIATELY IN WORDS. IN EVERY WAY. AS THE FACTS OF A WEBSITE ENTITLED proves basically in every way. HAVE A GOOD DAY. signed THE MYSTERY MAN ADDRESSED BY NOSTRADAMUS IN C5Q79 OF HIS PROPHESIES TO HUMANITY IN THIS LIFE.-shakinnotstirred dayofthedove777 dayofthedove777 45M London, Ontario new message written less than a minute ago: dayofthedove777 dayofthedove777 45M London, Ontario new message written less than a minute ago: 

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