Friday 9 June 2023

Making corn into fuel, in order to pollute and destroy Mother Earth in connection to revelation 11:18 is hypocrisy clearly on the part of mankind

To the reader: to start this blog website I suggest humans today who read this blog website, watch and listen to the words of this video attached in the link below these images  before reading this website.

Studying c7q65 of the words of Nostradamus.

C7q65. Nostradamus.  

The exact wording of the quatrain is as follows.
🌈🌈🌈Where ivory towers meet the eastern sea young trees of knowledge will fall,crushed by the vine of a red rose, with flying serpents coiled in their heads.🌈🌈🌈

Nostradamus was right on the money.

In alignment to 2nd Peter 1:19-21.

Yet how did Nostradamus know that flying machines would do it?

If Nostradamus never saw a jet ?

Good question.


Where is the eastern sea board?

Exactly .

The towers bordered the eastern sea. 

Exactly  as Nostradamus said.

The following is factual.

The question is ‘why’ is it factual? In this life?

In 1993   Or 1992 , I can’t remember what year, I took a bus to New York City. From southwestern Ontario. With a brief stop in buffalo. I walked around for about ten minutes One thing that surprised me?
The three people I met??

They all asked me if I wanted to buy some heroin.

After ten minutes of that?
I had had enough.

So I said to myself, ‘ if everyone in buffalo is on heroin?
I’m going back to the bus station and just wait til my bus is ready to take me to Manhattan.
And I did.

Something else surprised me too.

I didn’t know the ride from buffalo was 8 hours by bus to New York City too.

Got no sleep.
During the whole bus ride from Ontario to New York NY.
But it didn’t matter.
When I 
I arrived in New York City. ?

It was like a burst of energy.
It was like I was on three hits of California sunshine lsd.

I exploded out of the gate of the bus station at grand central station. .

So to speak.

And I loved it.

Saw everything.

Except Harlem.
The bus driver for the red apple tour buses in New York ?

I asked him if we would go to Harlem too?

He gave me a funny look .

And then said ‘’ o yes,.’’

But he lied.

That was the only place we didn’t go.

Very strange.

One final note.
I got into Manhattan a day after the first bombing of the WTC.
So… I wasn’t allowed into the World Trade Center buildings.

Because it was on high alert.

And the Empire State Building was only allowing tours to the 75th floor for that reason too.

Why is that mentioned?


24 hours before 9, 11 occurred?

A day before?


I had a vivid dream of jets crashing into the World Trade Center buildings .


I always thought it was a little strange that unintentionally I would make my only appearance in New York City right at the time of the first bombing.

And then, about 8 years later have that vivid vision of the towers being destroyed.

Why did God give me that vision 24 hours before it happened?

What was I to do?

Call the United States embassy and tell them I had a vision that jets were going to destroy the towers in 24 hours?

They would have laughed at me.
And with only 24 hours to explain this vision I had?

On September 10th 2001?
How was I to deal with that?

Very strange indeed.


But it happened .

And it happened for real.

Just like a prophet named Nostradamus said it would.

Around 400 years before such a date.

It’s clear a group called the illuminiti seized 50 of Nostradamus’s quatrains and hold them from humanity til just recently.

On that note.

And recently gave those quatrains to various Hollywood officials.

See a program that recently aired in Hollywood entitled
First wave.
Starting Sebastian Spence.

The question is why did the illuminiti do that?

Century seven quatrain 65 of the quatrains of Nostradamus ?

‘’’ where ivory towers meet the eastern sea board, young trees of knowledge will fall crushed by the thorn of a red rose.’’’

Exactly as Nostradamus said it would occur.

That’s how it happened.

And it did.

As I explain with facts here.

Truth is stranger then fiction in this life.,

That’s obvious.


Because people don’t listen to truth in this life.

Til it’s usually too late to heed truth.

That’s obvious too.


Pure and simple.

C7q65. Nostradamus.  

The exact wording of the quatrain is as follows.
🌈🌈🌈Where ivory towers meet the eastern sea young trees of knowledge will fall,crushed by the vine of a red rose, with flying serpents coiled in their heads.🌈🌈🌈

Nostradamus was right on the money.

In alignment to 2nd Peter 1:19-21.

Yet how did Nostradamus know that flying machines would do it?

If Nostradamus never saw a jet ?

Good question.


Where is the eastern sea board?

Exactly .

The towers bordered the eastern sea. 

Exactly  as Nostradamus said.

The following is factual.

The question is ‘why’ is it factual? In this life?

In 1993   Or 1992 , I can’t remember what year, I took a bus to New York City. From southwestern Ontario. With a brief stop in buffalo. I walked around for about ten minutes One thing that surprised me?
The three people I met??

They all asked me if I wanted to buy some heroin.

After ten minutes of that?
I had had enough.

So I said to myself, ‘ if everyone in buffalo is on heroin?
I’m going back to the bus station and just wait til my bus is ready to take me to Manhattan.
And I did.

Something else surprised me too.

I didn’t know the ride from buffalo was 8 hours by bus to New York City too.

Got no sleep.
During the whole bus ride from Ontario to New York NY.
But it didn’t matter.
When I 
I arrived in New York City. ?

It was like a burst of energy.
It was like I was on three hits of California sunshine lsd.

I exploded out of the gate of the bus station at grand central station. .

So to speak.

And I loved it.

Saw everything.

Except Harlem.
The bus driver for the red apple tour buses in New York ?

I asked him if we would go to Harlem too?

He gave me a funny look .

And then said ‘’ o yes,.’’

But he lied.

That was the only place we didn’t go.

Very strange.

One final note.
I got into Manhattan a day after the first bombing of the WTC.
So… I wasn’t allowed into the World Trade Center buildings.

Because it was on high alert.

And the Empire State Building was only allowing tours to the 75th floor for that reason too.

Why is that mentioned?


24 hours before 9, 11 occurred?

A day before?


I had a vivid dream of jets crashing into the World Trade Center buildings .


I always thought it was a little strange that unintentionally I would make my only appearance in New York City right at the time of the first bombing.

And then, about 8 years later have that vivid vision of the towers being destroyed.

Why did God give me that vision 24 hours before it happened?

What was I to do?

Call the United States embassy and tell them I had a vision that jets were going to destroy the towers in 24 hours?

They would have laughed at me.
And with only 24 hours to explain this vision I had?

On September 10th 2001?
How was I to deal with that?

Very strange indeed.


But it happened .

And it happened for real.

Just like a prophet named Nostradamus said it would.

Around 400 years before such a date.

It’s clear a group called the illuminiti seized 50 of Nostradamus’s quatrains and hold them from humanity til just recently.

On that note.

And recently gave those quatrains to various Hollywood officials.

See a program that recently aired in Hollywood entitled
First wave.
Starting Sebastian Spence.

The question is why did the illuminiti do that?

Century seven quatrain 65 of the quatrains of Nostradamus ?

‘’’ where ivory towers meet the eastern sea board, young trees of knowledge will fall crushed by the thorn of a red rose.’’’

Exactly as Nostradamus said it would occur.

That’s how it happened.

And it did.

As I explain with facts here.

Truth is stranger then fiction in this life.,

That’s obvious.


Because people don’t listen to truth in this life.

Til it’s usually too late to heed truth.

That’s obvious too.


Pure and simple.

A brief note is attached immediately below before I write this email.

And that is simply this.

To whoever cares about truth in this life ‘note this:

Important information is located here on Facts which apply to this existence Studying πŸ’₯Watch "The True Story of 9/11 | WHILE THE REST OF US DIE" on YouTube

C7q65. Nostradamus.  

The exact wording of the quatrain is as follows.
🌈🌈🌈Where ivory towers meet the eastern sea young trees of knowledge will fall,crushed by the vine of a red rose, with flying serpents coiled in their heads.🌈🌈🌈

Nostradamus was right on the money.

In alignment to 2nd Peter 1:19-21.

Yet how did Nostradamus know that flying machines would do it?

If Nostradamus never saw a jet ?

Good question.

Where is the eastern sea board?

Exactly .

The towers bordered the eastern sea. 

Exactly  as Nostradamus said.

The following is factual.

The question is ‘why’ is it factual? In this life?

In 1993   Or 1992 , I can’t remember what year, I took a bus to New York City. From southwestern Ontario. With a brief stop in buffalo. I walked around for about ten minutes One thing that surprised me?
The three people I met??

They all asked me if I wanted to buy some heroin.

After ten minutes of that?
I had had enough.

So I said to myself, ‘ if everyone in buffalo is on heroin?
I’m going back to the bus station and just wait til my bus is ready to take me to Manhattan.
And I did.

Something else surprised me too.

I didn’t know the ride from buffalo was 8 hours by bus to New York City too.

Got no sleep.
During the whole bus ride from Ontario to New York NY.
But it didn’t matter.
When I 
I arrived in New York City. ?

It was like a burst of energy.
It was like I was on three hits of California sunshine lsd.

I exploded out of the gate of the bus station at grand central station. .

So to speak.

And I loved it.

Saw everything.

Except Harlem.
The bus driver for the red apple tour buses in New York ?

I asked him if we would go to Harlem too?

He gave me a funny look .

And then said ‘’ o yes,.’’

But he lied.

That was the only place we didn’t go.

Very strange.

One final note.
I got into Manhattan a day after the first bombing of the WTC.
So… I wasn’t allowed into the World Trade Center buildings.

Because it was on high alert.

And the Empire State Building was only allowing tours to the 75th floor for that reason too.

Why is that mentioned?


24 hours before 9, 11 occurred?

A day before?


I had a vivid dream of jets crashing into the World Trade Center buildings .


I always thought it was a little strange that unintentionally I would make my only appearance in New York City right at the time of the first bombing.

And then, about 8 years later have that vivid vision of the towers being destroyed.

Why did God give me that vision 24 hours before it happened?

What was I to do?

Call the United States embassy and tell them I had a vision that jets were going to destroy the towers in 24 hours?

They would have laughed at me.
And with only 24 hours to explain this vision I had?

On September 10th 2001?
How was I to deal with that?

Very strange indeed.


But it happened .

And it happened for real.

Just like a prophet named Nostradamus said it would.

Around 400 years before such a date.

It’s clear a group called the illuminiti seized 50 of Nostradamus’s quatrains and 
Withheld them from humanity til just recently.

On that note.

And recently gave those quatrains to various Hollywood officials.

See a program that recently aired in Hollywood entitled
First wave.
Starting Sebastian Spence.

The question is why did the illuminiti do that?

Century seven quatrain 65 of the quatrains of Nostradamus ?

‘’’ where ivory towers meet the eastern sea board, young trees of knowledge will fall crushed by the thorn of a red rose with flying giant metal serpents coiled in their heads.’’’

Exactly as Nostradamus said it would occur.

That’s how it happened.

And it did.

As I explain with facts here.

Truth is stranger then fiction in this life.,

That’s obvious.


Because people don’t listen to truth in this life.

Til it’s usually too late to heed truth.

The bible says God had a problem with the Tower of Babel.

But supposedly nowadays the unchanging God is supposedly  cool with satellites and the space station?

Obviously not.

Huge buildings are built through forces connected to revelation 16:13-14.

Regarding modern technology which mercilessly tortures and destroys Mother Earth. 

So it seems to be a crazy circle of silly evils that humans are doing with modern technology.

For example, burning coal to make electricity more environmentally friendly is crazy.

It’s not a green solution.

Burning coals to make electricity work brings invisible gases into earths environment. 

Yet human governments today are claiming that ‘that’s environmentally friendly?


That’s crazy.

And here’s something else that’s note worthy to mention at this time.

Alast year I pedaled my bicycle to Toronto Ontario to do some sight seeing.
Of note?

Upon arriving in Toronto on my bicycle?

I saw huge signs that said ‘’’ please take public transit.
Help us stop pollution by not driving a car.’’’

That’s what the sign in Toronto said.

In huge letters.

For everyone to see.


What does that mean?

That’s simply an admission from the government of Canada that the gases being used in cars nowadays is not eco friendly or go green.

And watching the news the other day?

On YouTube?

The news is saying New York City and other cities on earth are suffering the worst smog and pollution in earths airways ever.


Are humans crazy?

I gave humans totally simple instructions in my websiteson how to save Mother Earth.

Through Christs mosaic laws.

Which align Matthew 5:17-20.
That I’m certain even a partially retarded orangatang with the brain capacity of an ostrich could easily follow.

And no one listened to me?

Ya know?

I mean ‘’’holy Jesus.’’’

O and I should mention this too.

My father told me once in a conversation I was having with him on this subject this too.

Dad said, ‘’’Kerry, buses and trains and planes and other forms of modern transport inventions put out 100 times more pollution in to the environment then cars do.

It’s a fact.


The signs that Toronto had placed up for people to behold?

‘Take public transit?’’
To help save the environment?

Also misleading.

This is a vicious crazy circle of evil.’

On earth.

Because humans choose devilish worldly inventions and crazy luxury’s over my simple instructions I address in my websites.

Located here.

In links.

In the first posts attached to that site.

That’s not my fault.

I patiently decently warned humans to follow my simple instructions on how to save Mother Earth.

That’s obvious too.


Pure and simple.

Now a
Brief note:
To close this post is ad follows.

In order to provide electricity for electric vehicles, three forms of energy must be produced either coal, nuclear or Hydro .

Hydro is totally clean, 

but it’s not very common anymore.  Coal is the common outlet for this type of technology and it has been for a while,

Which is absurd.

When they build an electric car, it has an enormous carbon footprint for the metals, like cadmium and lithium mined produce the batteries. It also creates a lot of environmental damage retrieving those metals.

Once an electric cars run ,,,and compared to internal combustion engine, it has half the carbon footprint when the batteries are expired however, they cannot be recycled and end up in a landfill.  

Also, as a sidenote, It kind of grieves me all the pavement and concrete in a city trap so many creatures, underground, and leaves no provision for CityBirds to find worms.

Not to mention the fact I cycle my bicycle a lot all accross Canada.

And I would estimate that ,in total? 

I’ve seen ‘’’ at least ‘’’. one hundred thousand animals killed by cars on Canadas highways.

AT LEAST one hundred thousand animals brutally killed tortured through maimings or killed by cars.

But the numbers probably way higher then that.


If most people from this time era of this existence truly do care for the lives and welfares of other terrestrial species on 

earth as well as supposedly care for Mother Earth and earths environment like most people claim they do today then why do such people drive cars which clearly destroy Mother Earth as well as murder basically countless terrestrial creatures annually every year?

Oh , such people supposedly care for Mother Earth and other terrestrial creatures on earth except when it comes to the corrupt luxury of cars and other fossil fuel transport inventions in existence presently on this planet in this life?

Cars and corrupt sinful  luxury inventions are number one in such matters.

That’s just another example , for the majority of humanity’s true deliberate  hypocrisy in this time frame of this existence.


Pure and simple.

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